Looking to spend a little time outdoors, enjoying the cooler temps? This weekend, why not plan a picnic! Fall is an ideal time to enjoy the outdoors, and a picnic in the park is just what my husband and I did last weekend. It was a wonderful way to end our little weekend getaway, but it can also be a great way to start off your weekend. Since we were away, we brought along a large plaid blanket, great to sit on or drape on a picnic table, our picnic basket, wine glasses plus music for our outing. And we did something we haven't done in a while: we visited a local gourmet shop to splurge on our picnic in the park. We picked up a Pinot Noir and paired with red grapes, antipasto, mozzarella balls in olio, gourmet salami, rosemary crostini, and a turkey wrap to share plus a small mixed green salad topped with raisins, almonds, and feta. It was simple and delicious, and we even managed to find a park here in AZ with a table by a lake. If you picnic by the lake, don't be surprised if a few other guests drop by...


Unexpected picnic guests, dropping by to say hello...
For more ideas on how to plan your Fall Park Picnic, checkout
With Thanksgiving and the holidays just a few weeks away, this weekend is a great time enjoy some (quiet) time outdoors...
enJOY your weekend and thanks for stopping by,
Great pictures. It looks like you enjoyed your picnic in the park and the food looks absolutely delicious. For whatever reason, I never thought about having a picnic in the fall, but I'll have to try it one of these days.